Tenses Compilation

on Rabu, 23 April 2014
Tenses Compilation

 I.            IPresent tense

Subjek + Verb
Simple present tense

a.       Use to state regular activity
-          Ali always goes to school everyday
-          We usually study at night
-          He often plays chess at noon
b.      Use to state the general facts
-          The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
-          A year has twelve months
-          The earth revolve around the sun
c.       Use to state the present activity
-          Marry sings beautifully
-          The dog barked loudly
-          She seems to be tired today
d.      Can be used as a substitute of present continuous tense if the particular verbs cannot be used in present continuous tense; for example: agree, believe, consider, expect, like, know, prefer, remember, wish, want, etc.
-          I love you…..not I am loving you
-          Udin likes a radio…..not udin is liking a radio
-          They agree with you…..not they agreeing with you
e.       Can be used to state what happen in the future
-          The plane leaves tomorrow morning
-          We leave for Jakarta on Tuesday
-          I arrive in Hongkong on Saturday

The adverbial time that usually used in simple present tense:
Always            at night
usually             on Sunday
often                every week
sometimes       every day
seldom             never
If the verb in the sentence is a nominal, has to use to be (is, am, or are) as the auxiliary/linking verb.
to make a verb 1 to be appropriate with the third singular person, need to add s/es.

2.      Present continuous (progressive) tense

Subject + to be (am/is/are) + verb ing

a.       To state the ongoing events
-          It is raining now
-          Budi is listening to the radio at present
-          They are reading newspaper
b.      To state the event that has been planed and will be doing in the future
-          Burhan is going to the teathre tonight
-          She Is leaving for surabaya tomorrow

Adverbial that usually used in present continuous tense:
Tomorrow       This evening
Tonight            This afternoon
Today              At present
The verbs that not usually used in present continuous tense:
a.       See, hear, smell, notice
b.      Want, desire, refuse, forgive, hate
c.       Think, know, understand, remember, believe, forget, mind
d.      Own, owe, belong, possess

3.      Present perfect tense

Subject + Has/Have + Verb 3 (Past Participle)

a.       To state the perfect effect
Example :
1.      We Have been listening to the radio for two hours.
2.      She has been  learning English for 4 years.
3.      Maryam  has been  living in solo since 1967.
4.      How long  have you  been  waiting for the bus .
5.      The professor has been lecturing for over an  hour.

1.      Kita telah mendengarkan radio selama 2 jam, dan sekarang hingga nanti kita masih mendengarkan. (Atau  kita hanya mendengarkan sampai acara selesai).
2.      Maryam tinggal di solo sejak tahun 1967, dan  sekarang dia masih tinggal di solo.
b.      To state some event repeated  in the present perfect tense, generally always used a time phrase ( Keterangan waktu) Such as:
Since ......

1.      I have written  sic letter since breakfast.
***  I have been writing letters since breakfast.
2.      She has knowked at the door five times for three minutes.
1.      I have written a letter for an hour
( Saya telah menulis sebuah surat selama 1 jam; … dan sekarang telah selesai).
2.      I have been writing a letter for a hour.
3.      I have been reading your book.
(Maksudnya: I haven’t finished  it).
4.      I have read your book.
(Artinya = I have finished  it).

                II.            Past Tense

Subject + Verb II (Kata kerja bentuk II)


5.      Past Indefinite Tense/Simple Paste Tense (Preterite)
a.       To state some event in the past.
1.      I met her two days ago.
2.      Mary played tennis last week.
3.      Ali went to Yogyakarta yesterday.

b.      To state habitually in the past.
1.      He always carried an umbrella.
2.      They never drank wine.
3.      We usually spoken English.
4.      Last year it rained frequently in this area.
5.      When I was young, I went swimming everyday.
c.       To state the action  in the pas clearly.
1.      I bought this car in Jakarta.
(Mobil ini jelas dibeli pada waktu yang lampau di Jakarta pada waktu tertentu).
2.      When did you see me?
(berarti you telah melihat saya, ….. Kapan?).
3.      The trains was ten minute late.
Time phrase it actually used such as:
Yesterday = kemarin
Last           = yang lalu
Last week  =minggu lalu
Last year   = tahun lalu
Ago           = yang lalu
2        days ago          = 2 hari yang lalu

6.               Past Continuous/Progressive Tense

Subject + Was/Were + Verb-ingSubject + Was/Were + Verb-ing

a.       To state in the pas when the other event happened.
1.      My mother was cooking when it began to rain.
2.      We were studying Englis while the bell rang.
3.      When the teacher came, the boys were playing chess.
4.      When I was crossing the street, I saw an accident.

b.      To state expansion slowly.
1.      It was getting dark.
2.      The sun was rising.
3.      The water was flowing to the low surface
7.      Past Perfect Tense

Subject + had + Verb III (Past Participle = PP)

a.       To state some event has been  happened.
b.      To state some event before
1.      When I reached the station, the train had  left.
2.      We went on holiday after we had taken the exam
3.      As soon as they had finished working, they ran out to play.
Time phrase: 
After  =  sesudah
As soon as  = segera setelah
Until/till = hingga
Before = sebelum
When = Ketika
8.      Past Perfect Continuous (progressive ) Tense

Subject + had been + Verb ing


a.      To state Some event in the pas but still continuous when the other event happening.
1.      They had been playing tennis since 6 o’clock when she came there this morning.
2.      While I had been studying English for a hour, he came to see me yesterday.
3.      Mary had been sleeping for two hours when I visited her last night.
b.      It is always used to explain some event repeated in Past perfect Tense.
1.      He had tried five times to  get her on the telephone.
***He had been trying to get her on the telephone.
2.      She had seen that movie six times.
***She had been seeing that movie.

             III.            Future Tense
9.      Future Indefinite Tense ( Future Tenses)

Subject + Will/shall + Verb I
Subject + to be ( am, is, are ) going to + Verb I


a.       To state some event will happen in the future.
1.      I shall visit her next week.
2.      We shall watch television tonight.
3.      She is going to study English tonight.
4.      They are going to come here tomorrow.
5.      James will play football next week.
b.      To state conditional sentence, type 1 (only used to will/shall).
1.      If you go out, I shall go out.
2.      He will help you if you ask him politely.
c.       To state question tag.
1.      Shall I close the door?
2.      Will you help me?

3.      Shall we go inside now?

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